informal place settingWhat is the difference between an informal table setting and a formal table setting?

An informal setting has minimal tableware and is used for up to a four-course meal. While a meal of six courses usually calls for a formal setting.

In an informal setting, all the flatware is placed on the table at the same time. While in a formal setting, some pieces may be cleared and others added.



In this featured how to post, we’re going to focus on an informal table setting.

On certain occasions, such as holiday gatherings and dinner parties, we find ourselves needing to set a special table.  This is not as difficult as it seems, so don’t be discouraged. Here’s a few rules to follow to make it easier. Start with a basic place setting to dress up the table and set a casual mood for your dinner party or holiday gathering. For a more formal setting, add more pieces by bringing additional plates, silverware, glasses and other serving pieces to the table. Only set the table with utensils you will use. For example, if you are not serving soup, do not put out a soup spoon. Place utensils in the order of use; that is, from the outside in. And a final rule, with only a few exceptions, is: Forks go to the left of the plate, and knives and spoons go to the right. Follow these simple rules and you’ll be a dinner party pro in no time! Watch this video to below to how it’s done..